Third Party Event

28 Oct 2014 - 29 Oct 2014

 In Partnership with the Pan Atlantic University, Lagos Business School/First Bank Sustainability Center & The Enterprise Development Center,  the Uturn Africa Pre-Forum Young Leaders Convergence on Sustainability and Pre-Forum SME Convergence on Sustainability understand that only sustainable leaders can provide the most appropriate solutions to the present problems of African societies.

Uturn Africa provides a platform for debate, analysis and collaboration between current and future leaders interested in discussing sustainable solutions to the regions challenges with innovative lens. By facilitating dialogue, we expect to map the emerging trends in innovative solutions and the type of leadership required to deal with issues related to sustainable development. 

JOIN US! October 28 & 29, 2014 at the Lagos Business School, Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria.

                                          Connecting The Sustainable Minds Of Africa!

  • Engaging Youth, SME’s, Government, Business & Social Sector to collaborate for Sustainable Solutions
  • “The Convergence” will attract several young leaders from highly acclaimed higher institutions in Ghana/Nigeria/Cameroun plus corporations, foundations & donor organizations. 
  • An Invitation Only Forum.

For more information, click here