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Global Emerging Market Research Highlights

Mexico seeks to strengthen its role in global trade

Industry leaders discuss Mexico's Interoceanic Corridor

The Interoceanic Corridor, which connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, is set to transform the southeast of Mexico into a global logistics hub...

Report: Mexico's Interoceanic Corridor as an alternative to the Panama Canal

Mexico’s Interoceanic Corridor and the Texistepec industrial complex are emerging as key development hubs connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and as centres of international transport and trade...

Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, Chairman, Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA)

In this Global Platform video, Oxford Business Group speaks with Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, Chairman, Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA) about Sharjah’s strategies...

Report: Examining Indonesia's path to responsible paint production

With Indonesia’s National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-45 underscoring the role of manufacturing for economic growth, the paint and coatings segment has a role to play in sustainable...

Latest Special Reports

Special Report

Report: How can the private sector capitalise on opportunities in the Saudi leisure industry?

Saudi Arabia is undergoing a period of sweeping social transformation and economic diversification underpinned by Vision 2030. This is creating a fertile environment for private businesses to expand...

Focus Report

Focus Report: Understanding the impact of data centres on Africa's digital economy

Africa’s data centre (DC) market is primed for substantial growth, with a projected 50% capacity increase by 2026. Fuelled by a burgeoning digital economy and rising internet penetration, the continent...

ESG Intelligence Report

Report: Shaping sustainable and inclusive resource development in Ghana's mining sector

This report analyses the environmental, social and governance (ESG) dynamics shaping Ghana’s mining sector. Large-scale mining has been adopting stricter environmental regulations to address widespread...

ESG Report

Report: How can Kuwait’s upstream oil sector reach net zero?

Despite predictions of declining hydrocarbon consumption, significant demand remains due to economic transformations and disruptive events like the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine...

Focus Report

Focus Report: Exploring the role of women and youth in Africa's agriculture sector

The last few years have seen marked developments in the dynamic landscape of African agriculture. The continent’s cultivated land has expanded significantly since 2020, contributing to 52%...

Focus Report

Focus Report: How Special Economic Zones are shaping Africa's industrial landscape

As Africa embraces the transformative power of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Special Economic Zones (SEZs) emerge as pivotal catalysts for regional economic growth...

Focus Report

Driving Saudi Arabia's economic transformation: Unleashing growth and innovation across strategic sectors

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 blueprint for socio-economic transformation is capturing international attention. Beyond high-profile projects and events, strategic cohesion and societal support are...

Focus Report

Unlocking opportunities: How higher education drives socio-economic development in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Vision 2030 and the evolution of education in Saudi Arabia are key drivers of the country’s socio-economic transformation. With a focus on national development goals, Saudi Arabia is committed...

Report: How can the private sector capitalise on opportunities in the Saudi leisure industry?
Focus Report: Understanding the impact of data centres on Africa's digital economy
Report: Shaping sustainable and inclusive resource development in Ghana's mining sector
Report: How can Kuwait’s upstream oil sector reach net zero?
Focus Report: Exploring the role of women and youth in Africa's agriculture sector
Focus Report: How Special Economic Zones are shaping Africa's industrial landscape
Driving Saudi Arabia's economic transformation: Unleashing growth and innovation across strategic sectors
Unlocking opportunities: How higher education drives socio-economic development in Saudi Arabia

The Report: Qatar 2024

Qatar has been working to position itself as a powerful economy and influential sovereign entity that is well prepared to address future challenges. With a relatively small population and the third-largest...

Report: Oman’s digital economy and its transformative potential

Oman’s digital transformation is revolutionising its economy and society. With the National Programme for Digital Economy driving progress, the country is bolstering its telecommunications...

Key Interviews & Sectoral Videos

Global Platform

Investing in airport infrastructure and boosting passenger capacity in Saudi Arabia

In this Global Platform video, Oxford Business Group speaks with Mohannad Basodan, CEO, National Center for Privatization & PPP (NCP); and Salman Badr, Executive Vice President for Infrastructure Advisory...

Global Platform

Bahrain, a centre for sustainable finance and innovation in the GCC

In this Global Platform video, Abdulaziz Bin Abdulrahman Al Helaissi, Group CEO and Member of the Board, Gulf International Bank (GIB), talks about Bahrain's banking sector, a significant contributor to...

OBG Talks

Is the Gulf ready for electric and autonomous vehicles?

As the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) work towards economic diversification objectives and net-zero goals, opportunities are opening up for automotive manufacturers to roll out innovations...

Global Platform

Driving ESG in Ghana’s mining industry

In this Global Platform video, Oxford Business Group speaks with Edward Koranteng, CEO, Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF), on Ghana’s mining industry. While Ghana is Africa’s largest gold producer...

Growth Perspectives Video

Kuwait's banks target sustainable growth

In this Growth Perspectives video, OBG shows how Kuwaiti banks are embracing environmental, social and governance principles to contribute to the sustainable growth of the banking sector...

Global Platform

Increasing the accessibility of trading in Kuwait and the GCC

In this Global Platform video, Talal Al Ajmi, CEO and Founder, VI Markets, talks about increasing the accessibility of trading.

Global Platform

How free zones are fostering education, sustainability and prosperity in Africa

ARISE was founded in 2010 with a focus on addressing three critical issues: unemployment, income inequality and environmental sustainability. The company aims to empower individuals through...

Growth Perspectives Video

Boosting investment in Kuwait’s capital markets

In this Growth Perspectives video, OBG shows how Boursa Kuwait has introduced reforms and launched new investment tools to support the development of the capital markets. The surge in market...

Global Platform

Libya’s economic transition

In this Global Platform video, Hussein Mohamed Altaher Issa, CEO, Aletah Group, talks about Libya's economic transformation and the emerging opportunities in the country. Previously reliant on oil...

Investing in airport infrastructure and boosting passenger capacity in Saudi Arabia
Bahrain, a centre for sustainable finance and innovation in the GCC
Is the Gulf ready for electric and autonomous vehicles?
Driving ESG in Ghana’s mining industry
Kuwait's banks target sustainable growth
Increasing the accessibility of trading in Kuwait and the GCC
How free zones are fostering education, sustainability and prosperity in Africa
Boosting investment in Kuwait’s capital markets
Libya’s economic transition

The Report: Ghana 2024

With robust economic fundamentals and significant export potential, Ghana is set to play a greater role in the economy of West Africa, as well as on the continent. The country expects to benefit from its young...

Ghana underscores its pivotal role as a regional and international trade partner

Oxford Business Group has launched The Report: Ghana 2024. This latest edition offers a detailed analysis of the country’s economic trajectory, focusing on fiscal consolidation and structural reforms.

Report Highlights

Market Profile Video

Sharjah’s path to a sustainable future through sector diversification and green investment

Oxford Business Group will soon be launching The Report: Sharjah 2023. The report explores the emirate’s economic diversification initiatives, as well as efforts to attract investment, and advance environmental...

Market Profile Video

Abu Dhabi’s economy thrives, fuelled by global partnerships and market innovation

Oxford Business Group has launched The Report: Abu Dhabi 2023. The report delves into the emirate’s commitment to economic diversification through the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030...

Market Profile Video

Improving the resilience of Africa’s agriculture sector

Despite being home to 60% of the world’s arable land, Africa has yet to unlock its full agricultural potential. The 2023 edition of the “Agriculture in Africa Focus Report”, produced in partnership with OCP Group...

Market Profile Video

Highlights from The Report: Saudi Arabia 2023

Ongoing giga-projects such as NEOM and The Red Sea Project are supporting Saudi Arabia's twin goals of attracting investment and stimulating economic diversification. A rise in non-oil exports...

Market Profile Video

Highlights from The Report: Bahrain 2023

Fiscal sustainability measures are bearing fruit, with the kingdom posting its largest current account surplus in decades in 2022, at 15.4% of GDP, resulting from a 52% increase in government revenue.

Market Profile Video

How ESG is creating opportunities across African economies

This video explores how environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles are creating new opportunities for sustainable development across...

Market Profile Video

Djibouti’s expansion plans aim to establish the country as a centre for transport and trade

Situated on the Gulf of Aden on the Horn of Africa, Djibouti sits at the crossroads of one of the world’s busiest trade routes linking Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. To take full advantage of this...

Market Profile Video

Nigeria harnesses the services sector for economic diversification and infrastructure development

Oxford Business Group has launched The Report: Nigeria 2023, its 10th edition of the annual business intelligence report. The report focuses on the role of Nigeria's services sector in driving non-oil growth...

Sharjah’s path to a sustainable future through sector diversification and green investment
Abu Dhabi’s economy thrives, fuelled by global partnerships and market innovation
Improving the resilience of Africa’s agriculture sector
Highlights from The Report: Saudi Arabia 2023
Highlights from The Report: Bahrain 2023
How ESG is creating opportunities across African economies
Djibouti’s expansion plans aim to establish the country as a centre for transport and trade
Nigeria harnesses the services sector for economic diversification and infrastructure development

The Report: Kuwait 2024

Kuwait, with one of the region’s most dynamic political systems and the world’s six-largest crude oil reserves, has seen significant GDP growth in recent years. As part of its efforts to diversify away from a reliance on...

Industry in Africa

Economic Research Highlights

Business intelligence and insights on trends, developments, and opportunities in Africa's industry sector

CEO Surveys

CEO Survey Analysis

Global CEO Survey: What is on the horizon for emerging markets?

While the recovery period following the Covid-19 pandemic saw the unlocking of major capital in emerging markets, inflationary pressures, fluctuating commodity prices and geopolitical concerns have...

CEO Survey Analysis

ESG CEO Survey: Is the board room getting greener?

Across government departments, corporate board rooms and management meetings, the implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies is at the forefront...

CEO Survey Analysis

Next steps: Where do Egyptian business leaders see things heading in 2021?

A relevant market straddling both Africa and the Middle East, Egypt's dynamic and varied economy as well as its large and fast growing population have made the country a key investment centre across...

CEO Survey Analysis

Crisis management: How are CEOs in the Gulf responding to the pandemic?

The Covid-19 pandemic that spread quickly around the world after emerging in the city of Wuhan in December 2019 has been hard for many and extremely tragic for some.

Global CEO Survey: What is on the horizon for emerging markets?
ESG CEO Survey: Is the board room getting greener?
Next steps: Where do Egyptian business leaders see things heading in 2021?
Crisis management: How are CEOs in the Gulf responding to the pandemic?

How firms are leveraging entertainment opportunities in Saudi Arabia

Driven by the country’s Vision 2030 blueprint for economic diversification, Saudi Arabia's leisure industry is expanding. Multi-stakeholder efforts have led to rapid growth in the sector in recent...

Peru emerges as a strategic gateway for investment

In this Growth Perspectives video, OBG details how Peru has become an important investment gateway. Due to its favourable business environment and strategic location along South America’s Pacific...

Latest Economic News & Views

Economic View

Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani, Chairman, Al Faisal Holding

On the importance of private sector engagement in key sectors such as education and tourism

Economic View

Rasheed Al-Qenae, Chairman of the KPMG Middle East, South Asia and Caspian (MESAC) region, and Managing Partner, KPMG in Kuwait

On recent tax developments, technological advancements, and environmental, social and governance integration

Economic View

Georgy Georgiev, President, Honeywell Qatar, Kuwait & Pakistan

On how emerging technologies can provide efficient solutions to key challenges

Economic View

Kwabena Asante-Poku, Coverage Director, Ghana - British International Investment (BII)

On increasing finance for SMEs, women-led businesses and infrastructure development in Africa

Economic View

Eman Mojali, CEO, Bahrain National Insurance

On building a regulatory framework and consumer awareness to support growth

Economic View

Michael Michael, CEO, Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC) and Qatar Business Events Corporation

On catering to local and global audiences with new technologies and safety measures

Economic View

Jack Uppal, President and Managing Director – Africa and Middle East, General Motors (GM)

On learning from supply chain challenges and the development of other segments

Economic View

Julian Opuni, Managing Director, Fidelity Bank Ghana

On the country’s commitment to inclusive finance