--> Construction Sector Research Highlights - Oxford Business Group

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Construction Sector Research Highlights

The Report: Ghana 2024

Construction & Real Estate Sector Analysis

Construction has been central to Ghana’s development over the past decade, contributing 7.2% of GDP between 2013 and 2021. Although infrastructure development dominates the sector, other segments...

The Report: Misrata 2024

Energy, Construction and Infrastructure Sector Analysis

As a member of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and 48.4bn barrels of proven crude oil reserves – the most in Africa – and 1.5trn cu metres of proven natural gas reserves, Libya is...

Special Reports on the Construction Sector

Focus Report

Focus Report: New cities and mega-projects are driving growth in Egypt

During a time of heightened global macroeconomic uncertainty, progress on new cities and mega-projects has helped Egypt maintain positive economic growth during the pandemic. Demographic expansion...

Covid-19 Response Report

Report: How Egypt’s infrastructure agenda is driving sophistication in the construction sector

While the construction sector in Egypt was temporarily paralysed during the early months of the pandemic, the infrastructure project pipeline has remained robust. The need to boost utilities...

Covid-19 Response Report

Report: How the pandemic is reshaping ASEAN construction demands

Construction – and infrastructure development in particular – is expected to be a key driver of economic growth across ASEAN from 2021. The bloc, home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies...

Focus Report: New cities and mega-projects are driving growth in Egypt
Report: How Egypt’s infrastructure agenda is driving sophistication in the construction sector
Report: How the pandemic is reshaping ASEAN construction demands

The Report: Abu Dhabi 2023

Real Estate & Construction Sector Analysis

Abu Dhabi’s real estate and construction sectors performed well in 2022, contributing significantly to the emirate’s non-oil growth. Construction expanded by 7.6%, reaching Dh86bn ($23.4bn), or 7.8% of...

Construction Sector Analyses


Ghana's infrastructure development driving economic growth

Construction has been central to the country’s development over the past decade across several sectors of the economy, and notably, from 2013-21, the sector contributed an average of 7.2% to the country’s GDP. Although infrastructure dominates the construction landscape in Ghana, other segments are exhibiting strong growth potential, such as construction in the commercial, industrial, residential and energy spaces...


Ghana's public-private partnerships key to sustainable construction

The government has been actively promoting and facilitating private sector participation in infrastructure delivery, crucial for economic growth and development through revenue generation, affordable housing and employment. The private sector has been providing expertise, innovation and efficiency, greatly enhancing the speed and quality of infrastructure projects within Ghana. Therefore, partnerships between the public and private sectors are crucial in ensuring secure, adequate and sustainable financing...


Carbon-neutral building and innovation in emerging markets

As the construction industry redefines its priorities to ensure sustainability, there is increasing recognition of the benefits of regenerative architecture as a means of lowering emissions. According to the “2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction” published by the International Energy Agency, the construction sector accounts for nearly 40% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In light of this reality, a greater emphasis has been placed on sustainable architecture...


Ghana prioritising affordable housing amid rising urbanisation

In recent years the greater activity and growth in the real estate sector has contributed to Ghana’s continued economic expansion. Private entities own more than 70% of properties in the local residential and commercial markets, according to the report “Construction Sector – Real Estate Development Report 2022” published by Ghana’s GCB Bank in September of that year...


John Entsuah, CEO, Devtraco Group

The real estate sector’s growth is influenced by a combination of factors, and it is essential to address the challenges that hinder progress, particularly for middle-income earners. The aspirations of such individuals to own a home is driving sector growth, as this demographic seeks affordable and quality housing. In addition, urbanisation is a significant trend, with people from various regions moving to urban centres like Accra. This influx is driving demand, creating opportunities for developers. Ghana’s urban areas are expanding...

Construction in Emerging Markets

Economic News

New cities set to alter investment landscape in Africa

With Africa’s population projected to double by 2050, countries are planning new cities to house increased industrial activity and urban populations, and address the constraints of many of the continent’s mega-cities. New urban developments around the globe are working to tackle issues surrounding population growth, sustainability and economic resilience. In 2015 Egypt announced that it would build a new capital. In addition to administrative offices, the New Administrative Capital is expected to host a stadium...

Economic View

Vincent Miccolis, Managing Director for Middle East, Africa, Turkey and India, The Ascott

On creating investment opportunities and fostering sustainable infrastructure development

Economic News

Can sustainable architecture help lower the construction sector’s emissions?

Amid efforts to reduce the carbon footprint associated with the construction industry, there is increasing recognition of the benefits of sustainable and regenerative architecture as a means of lowering emissions. The construction sector is one of the world’s biggest polluters. According to the “2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction” published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the sector accounts for close to 40% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In light of this, a greater emphasis...

Economic News

Can smart cities solve Egypt’s housing shortage?

Architects, property developers and other key stakeholders in Egypt’s construction sector are increasingly embracing digitalisation as the country looks towards smart city solutions to solve its housing shortage. Reflective of the broader sea change in the sector, in February Etisalat Misr, a subsidiary of UAE telecommunications group Etisalat, and US-based conglomerate Honeywell signed a partnership deal that will see the two firms collaborate on developing digital solutions for the Egyptian construction industry...

Economic View

Sayed Farouk, President and CEO, Arab Contractors

On bolstering the strength and adaptability of Egypt’s construction sector

Economic News

Sustainable construction in the Gulf: building a greener future?

As industries around the world increasingly turn towards environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies to support their recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, focus is sharpening on sustainable construction in the Middle East. Perhaps more so than most sectors, construction could significantly benefit from a shift towards more sustainable practices. A UN report released in December estimated that, including operational emissions, the construction industry accounted for 38% of the world’s energy-related...

Economic View

Mohammed Hamad Al Ghanim, CEO, Al Hamra Kuwait

On infrastructure priorities and project frameworks