Third Party Event

23 Jan 2013

Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with The 15th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference 2013 which will be held on 31 January, in Malaysia. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:

Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,

“A Nation Transformed – Unleashing Its Potential, Shaping The Future, Managing Challenges”

January 31, 2013, Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur


What can business expect in 2013? How will Malaysia’s economy perform? How will the coming 13th General Elections impact on the economy and business environment?

The 2013 Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference held at the beginning of the year will examine and discuss the emerging trends, issues, challenges and identify and evaluate the new opportunities in the coming year. It will enable corporate leaders and key decision makers to review the key watch-list for the coming year to better prepare for their strategic planning.

Click here for more information

The European Financial Crisis has also thrown up several uncertainties in the global and regional economic outlook. What are the impacts on the region and on the country? Can Malaysia’s ambitious economic transformation programmes be achieved in the light of the global uncertainties?

The Annual Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference enables participants to take stock of the state of the nation, in particular the economy and business environment. It provides a timely meeting of minds for issues to be clarified, questions to be answered and opportunities to be identified.

The Conference will deliberate on issues that are pertinent for business decision makers to equip themselves for future challenges, enabling them to make smarter key business decisions based on a more informed understanding of key issues and strategic trends.

Benefits of Attending

  • Evaluate key trends and assess strategic challenges.
  • Discuss and identify new business opportunities.
  • Obtain updates and clarifications on policies.
  • Share ideas and management insights.
  • Promote networking and business exchange.
  • Find out what’s in store for 2013.

Who Should Attend

  • Chairmen of Boards and Company Directors.
  • CEO’s / Managing Directors.
  • Bankers / Investment Bankers.
  • Research and Corporate Planning Managers.
  • Foreign Investors.
  • Finance Directors / Managers.
  • Corporate Lawyers.