27 Nov 2018
The Seventh Anniversary Arangkada Philippines Forum will be held on September 12, 2018 at the Marriott Grand Ballroom. It will focus on the infrastructure sector, specifically on rail and roads; seaports and shipping; and water. Policy briefs on each of these sectors will be launched during the event.
The separate Creative Industries Forum will be held on November 27, 2018 at the Fairmont Makati Hotel. This event will focus on various policy changes, initiatives, and recommendations to boost the country’s creative economy. A creative industries policy brief containing policies and recommendations will also be released during the event.
The JFC’s advocacy efforts have contributed to recent strong economic growth and increasing foreign direct investment. With the two upcoming fora, the JFC hopes to continue its contributions to the country’s economic growth and job creation.
In 2010, the JFC published Arangkada Philippines, an advocacy paper promoting seven sectors with high growth potential: agribusiness, IT-BPM, creative industries, infrastructure, manufacturing and logistics, mining, and tourism, with recommendations to build a more competitive and inclusive Philippine economy.
The JFC’s Arangkada Philippines Project has also published five annual assessments, six policy briefs, seven policy notes, and Implementing the Ten Point Agenda of the Duterte Administration, all intended to improve the investment climate. These publications are available at the Arangkada website www.arangkadaphilippines.com.
For more information, visit the official event website www.investphilippines.info/fora2018, send an email to forum@arangkadaphilippines.com or call +632 751-1495.