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This article also features in Africa Agriculture. Read more about this report and view purchase options in our online store.

Africa Agriculture Sector Economic Research

Focus Report: Exploring the role of women and youth in Africa's agriculture sector

The last few years have seen marked developments in the dynamic landscape of African agriculture. The continent’s cultivated land has expanded significantly since 2020, contributing to 52%...

How ESG is creating opportunities across African economies

This video explores how environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles are creating new opportunities for sustainable development across African economies. Governments across sub-Saharan Africa...

Improving the resilience of Africa’s agriculture sector

Despite being home to 60% of the world’s arable land, Africa has yet to unlock its full agricultural potential. The 2023 edition of the “Agriculture in Africa Focus Report”, produced in partnership with OCP Group...

The Report: Nigeria 2023

Agriculture Sector Analysis

Agriculture remains a linchpin of Nigeria’s economy, contributing nearly 25% to GDP and employing 70% of the country’s workforce. To leverage its arable land and favourable climate...

Unlocking Potential

Economic Update

In infographics: Boosting local value added in agricultural commodities in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire agriculture sector, which accounts for roughly one-fifth of GDP and employs two-thirds of the population, is a core sector of the economy with global significance. The country is a key exporter...

Growth Perspectives Video

Agriculture in Africa 2022

This Growth & Recovery video highlights important aspects of the recently launched Agriculture in Africa 2022 Focus Report, recently published in partnership with OCP Group. It explores the role of...

Growth Perspectives Video

The role of agriculture in Nigeria’s economic diversification

In this Growth & Recovery video, OBG explores how agriculture in Nigeria is a major contributor to both employment and revenue, and is especially important as the country works to diversify its economy...

Growth & Recovery Video

Video: Agriculture in Africa 2021

This Growth & Recovery Video highlights the important aspects of the recently launched Agriculture in Africa 2021: Focus Report, published in partnership with OCP Group.

Focus Report

Agriculture in Africa: Focus Report

Home to 60% of the world’s arable land, Africa has the potential to meet not only its own food needs, but also those of the rest of the world. Agriculture remains one of the...


Green Morocco Plan increases Morocco's agricultural output

Agriculture remains a critical sector for the Moroccan economy. Given its major role in providing employment and disposable income, agriculture can impact the country’s annual GDP growth rates...

Economic Update

Les répercussions pour le secteur du cacao de la proposition de mise en place d’un prix d’achat minimum en Côte d’Ivoire et au Ghana

Les deux premiers producteurs mondiaux de cacao ont mis en place un nouveau mécanisme de fixation des prix des fèves afin de promouvoir la durabilité de leurs secteurs respectifs et de garantir des revenus...

In infographics: Boosting local value added in agricultural commodities in Côte d’Ivoire
Agriculture in Africa 2022
The role of agriculture in Nigeria’s economic diversification
Video: Agriculture in Africa 2021
Agriculture in Africa: Focus Report
Green Morocco Plan increases Morocco's agricultural output
Les répercussions pour le secteur du cacao de la proposition de mise en place d’un prix d’achat minimum en Côte d’Ivoire et au Ghana
Abdellatif Ghedira, Executive Director, International Olive Council: Interview

Report: How can West and Central Africa use ESG to boost value-added activities in special economic zones?

Several West and Central African countries have incorporated the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their respective economic growth strategies, driven by a desire from both public and private...

Modern practices


How irrigation will help Egypt ensure water security

Around 98% of Egypt’s population is concentrated along the Nile Valley and Delta, and this clustering highlights Egypt’s dependence on the river as a source of water. The population of 100m consumes between 105bn and 110bn cu metres of water a year, while the Nile’s annual flow is around 55.5bn cu metres a year.


Improved inputs and irrigation methods boost Ghana's agricultural output

The Ghanaian agriculture sector experienced consistent growth between 2014 and 2018. According to the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), agriculture grew by 5.5% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2018, outpacing general non-oil GDP growth the same year.


Interview with Chaim Zach, Kabiru Rabiu, Aliyu Abbati Abdulhameed

On enhancing the sector's supply chain through human capital, technology and data analytics


Agri-tech data drives the movement of food to Kenyan markets

In recent years the accelerating uptake of new means of crop production and distribution have begun to change Kenyan smallholder farming.

Focus Report: How can agriculture in Africa meet the challenges of the future?

While Africa has the potential to feed the world’s population in the coming years, in order to accomplish this, land must be developed sustainably by addressing pressing issues such as deforestation...

Sustainable farming


How Côte d'Ivoire is making cocoa sustainable

The sustainability of cocoa production in Côte d’Ivoire has become one of the top priorities of both public and private stakeholders. Chief among the segment’s concerns are increasing the incomes of cocoa...

Economic Update

Le Maroc se tourne vers le bio pour développer son secteur agricole

Le Maroc s’emploie actuellement à accroître la visibilité de son agriculture biologique au sein du royaume comme à l’étranger dans un contexte de demande en hausse, le développement du...


Digital and precision farming practices bolster global agricultural resiliency

Against a backdrop of increasingly severe and financially straining climate events and natural disasters, technology is poised to play an important role in maintaining and improving global...

Ghana cocoa
How Côte d'Ivoire is making cocoa sustainable
Le Maroc se tourne vers le bio pour développer son secteur agricole
Abdelhamid Aboulkassim, President, Moroccan Interprofessional Federation of Organic Agriculture: Interview
Digital and precision farming practices bolster global agricultural resiliency

Covid-19 impact

Economic Update

How can Africa's Covid-19 food insecurity challenge be tackled?

The Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated existing food security issues in Africa and given rise to some new challenges. With an economic downturn under way, efforts to combat hunger are being accelerated. While short-term measures are part of the solution, the crisis has also made a powerful case for long-term change.


Covid-19's impact on Ivorian cocoa production

The global spread of Covid-19 in the first half of 2020 occurred at a somewhat slower pace on the African continent than elsewhere, but brought similar disruptions to business and social life. The virus was first detected in Côte d’Ivoire in mid-March, and one month later the country had one of the highest infection rates in sub-Saharan Africa.

Economic Update

Digital solutions enhance resilience of Kenya’s agriculture sector amid Covid-19 pressures

Kenya’s farmers are currently facing two distinct crises: coronavirus and a locust invasion. However, the ongoing uptake of digital solutions is helping to strengthen resilience in the agriculture sector and ensure that fresh produce can still reach consumers.


Rethinking the future of the agriculture sector through sustainability and modernisation

For many countries across Africa, agriculture remains one of the most important sectors of the economy. Agriculture accounts for 14% of total GDP in sub-Saharan Africa, and a majority of the continent’s population is employed in the sector. In addition, export crops such as coffee, tobacco, oranges, fruit and cotton are important sources of foreign exchange for every country on the continent.