Private Equity and Venture Capital’s role in Africa’s economic recovery scenario
Africa | Economy
Bernardo Bruzzone, Africa Regional Editor at Oxford Business Group (OBG), recently held a discussion with Alexis John Ahyee, Executive Director for West and Central Africa of HEC Paris, and with Nadia Kouassi Coulibaly, Head of Research of African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (AVCA). The topics that were touched upon in this discussion included the evolution in recent years of Private Equity and Venture Capital in the African continent and the role of these mechanisms as a source of financing in the context of Africa’s economic recovery scenario.
This vidcast was produced in the framework of the launch of the Private Equity and Venture Capital in Africa – Covid-19 Response Report produced in English by OBG in collaboration with the AVCA. A version of this report was also launched in French and was translated by HEC Paris.