Several West and Central African countries have incorporated the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their respective economic growth strategies, driven by a desire from both public and private stakeholders to include more sustainable, socially focused and transparent practices throughout the supply chain. The increasing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria has helped economies in the region attract attention from foreign investors, stimulating growth in key areas such as infrastructure and trade.
In that regard, this report describes how economies in West and Central Africa, with a focus on Gabon and Benin, are moving towards ESG-driven development. More specifically, it highlights the development of sustainable special economic zones; environmentally friendly practices in the agricultural sector; and technologically advanced, cutting-edge and efficient supply chains.
By showing the alignment of national policies and major industries with ESG practices, this report analyses and explores key investment opportunities in the region under the ESG umbrella, while looking at broader trends in the field.