Peru Economy Sector Research Highlights
Peru emerges as a strategic gateway for investment
Peru emerges as a strategic gateway for investment
Peru emerges as a strategic gateway for investment
Peru emerges as a strategic gateway for investment
Peru emerges as a strategic gateway for investment
The future of commercial drone delivery in global and local supply chainsOBGplus
− Commercial drone revenue is on track to outpace that of military drones by 2025 − Regulatory and safety concerns have slowed rollout in developed markets − Companies are testing their fleets by delivering essential supplies in emerging markets − Partnerships with e-commerce firms could make instant delivery a reality Emerging markets are capitalising on commercial drone…
Latin America and the Caribbean: Year in Review 2021OBGplus
En Español – The region returned to economic growth this year after 2020’s recession – One outcome of the pandemic has been increasing levels of digitalisation – Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are seeing rapid uptake – Sustainability and circular economy principles are shaping the region’s future Following a difficult 2020, Latin America and the Caribbean has seen…
Report: How are stakeholders helping Peru achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
En Español Despite the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic – which caused Peru's GDP to contract by more than 11% in 2020 – the economy is recovering and businesses are strengthening their commitments to sustainable development. This report focuses on the current outlook, challenges and opportunities for Peru to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the role of Perú Sostenible,…
Informe: ¿Cómo están abordando los grupos de interés el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU en el Perú?
In English A pesar del impacto negativo de la pandemia que causó una caída del PIB peruano de más del 11% en el 2020, la economía del país ha logrado recuperarse a la par que el sector empresarial ha fortalecido sus compromisos con los lineamientos de desarrollo sostenible. Este reporte se enfoca en el panorama actual, los desafíos y las oportunidades del Perú para cumplir con los Objetivos…