14 May 2019 - 15 May 2019
And in partner with PT Pertamina (Persero), RPW Indonesia 2019 is dedicated to be the Indonesia #1 industry platform for downstream digital transformation and process innovation. 300+ professionals from Indonesia downstream operators and global process technology and digital solutions leaders are expected to gather in Bali.
Event website: http://worldrefining.org/rpwindonesia
Welcome Letter by Event Partner, PT Pertamina: https://www.pertamina.com/en/news-room/program-and-event/refining-petrochemicals-world-indonesia-2019
Some confirmed speakers,
- Ministry of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto, Minister
- PT Pertamina, Ignatius Tallulembang, Director, Refinery and Petrochemical Megaproject
- Binh Son Refinery Petrochemical, Nguyen Van Hoi, Vice President and CEO
- PT Pupuk Kaltim, Achmad Bakir Pasaman, President Director
- PT Pertamina, Facility Manager
- PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Dumai, Production Section Head
- PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Dumai, Safety Advisor
- PT Pertamina Refinery Unit IV Cilacap, Lead of Process Engineer
- PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, General Manager, Technology Engineering and Construction
- PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, General Manager, Operation
- PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI), Manager, Engineering and Development
- HPCL-Mittal Energy, General Manager, Maintenance and Reliability
- Malaysian Refining Company, Principal Engineer
- PT Pertamina Gas, Senior Reliability and Integrity Engineer
Stay tuned for speakers and agenda updates on the event website.