17 Jun 2016 - 19 Jun 2016
MHC-2016 already has confirmed exhibitors and conference delegates from Australia, China, Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand and the US. There will further be around 100 exhibitors and 1500 trade visitors at the event.
Myanmar MHC-2016 will consist of five exhibitions and a Myanmar health care investment conference:
- Myanmar Pharmaceutical Exhibition: http://pharmaceuticals-exhibition.mitamyanmar.com
- Myanmar Medical – Dental Exhibition: http://myanmar-medical-expo.mitamyanmar.com
- Myanmar Hospital Exhibition, Myanmar Clinical Expo: http://clinics-hospitals.mitamyanmar.com
- Myanmar Physiotherapy, Sports & Fitness Equipment Expo: http://sports-fitness-equipment.mitamyanmar.com
- Myanmar Beauty, Cosmetics, Spa & Skin Care Products Expo:http://beauty-cosmetics-fashion.mitamyanmar.com
- Myanmar Healthcare Investment Summit: http://myanmar-healthcare-investment-summit.mitamyanmar.com
MHC – 2015 was inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Thein Thein Htay, deputy minister for health, and Dr. Maung Maung Lay, vice-president of UMFCCI.
During last year’s event, we were privileged and grateful to hear from H.E. U Myint Swe, vice-president of Myanmar. Earlier events were kindly supported by many embassies in Yangon and foreign trade missions in Myanmar.
Click here for MHC online registration and here for registration assistance.
Alternatively, you can e-mail us at; mhc.conference@mitaservices.com.sg or call us; +95 9 420 110 451 / +95 9 420 110 666
About the organiser:
In Myanmar, MiTA provides one-stop consulting to foreign investors for entry into Myanmar’s emerging market and business matchmaking with Myanmar companies.
MiTA also provides organisation-restructuring, recruitment, training, contract management, marketing and branding services to Myanmar and foreign companies.
MiTA’s business associates and clients are from Japan, the US, the UK, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Australia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Myanmar, among others. Madhab Paul (www.madhabpaul.com) is the founding managing director of MiTA.
Visit MiTA at these links:
www.mitaservices.com.sg / www.mitamyanmar.com / www.myanmarinvestmentbusiness.com