03 Nov 2015 - 04 Nov 2015
The LBR LBO Infrastructure Summit aims to develop synergy and symbiosis among multiple stakeholders in the infrastructure development ecosystem in Sri Lanka. These include relevant ministries and agencies government of Sri Lanka, investors, multilateral financial institutes, developers, contractors, consultants, technology partners, research institutes and universities, industry chambers.
The summit will provide a platform to discuss and debate opportunities and challenges in infrastructure development, and aims to positively influence government policy and help Colombo become a globally competitive city.
The inaugural LBR LBO Infrastructure Summit 2015, will bring together twenty-five urban thought leaders in five sessions:
- Cities of the future: What Do The Look Like? How Do We Build Them?
- Making Colombo a Global City: Opportunities and Challenges
- Investment Strategies and Business Models for Building a Global City
- Creating a World Class Transportation System in Colombo
- Reimagining Cities Through Technology
Senior level representatives from the following types of organizations are also expected to attend the Summit:
Relevant government agencies and scientific institutions (UDA, RDA, CECB, ICTA, CEB and utility providers, SLPA, Civil Aviation, Military, Coastal Conservation, Finance Ministry, Treasury, Central Bank etc.)
- Universities and research institutions
- Developers, investors, service providers, architects, urban planners, and logistics and transport companies
- Multi-lateral financial institutes, development agencies, commercial banks, investment banks, banks, insurance and other financial services
- Technology companies, media and various other related service providers
For more information, click here to visit the website, or submit your inquiries to summit@lbo.lk