Third Party Event

12 Sep 2013

Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the First Inter-national Environmental Conference which will be held on 12 – 13 September, in Malaysia. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:

Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,

ITX Asia Conference 2013

Date: 12 – 13 September 2013

Theme: Where Technology Meets Business

ITX Asia Conference 2013 integrates top ICT Professionals, ICT adopters & Practitioners in one venue with two major objectives: Business Networking & Information Gathering.

Register Here

Learn from one of the best in the industry in a highly-charged conference, packed with both relevant topics that are transforming current market conditions and trends which will help prepare for the future with solid ideas and practical strategies.

The swift evolution of ICT trends and innovations has empowered businesses to become more adaptable and efficient, with resulting changes to business models and for many companies to move forward, regular updates are needed to keep them strategically competitive.

ITX Asia Conference 2013 will be focusing on 3 core learning points:

  • The Elements & Solutions of Business Intelligence
  • Next Generation Enterprise
  • Video Conferencing

Please contact the organiser by emailing to or click on for more information on ITX Asia Conference 2013.