Third Party Event

04 May 2016 - 05 May 2016

Who should participate:

–          Project holders drawn from target networks ready for commercialization

–          Individual investors and investor representatives

–          Seekers of capital for expansion or relocation

–          Local government officials

Early bird pricing is valid till 5th February 2016: Green Enterprise – USD 543.00, other – USD 779.00.


If, as research by the Professors Elfatih Eltahir and Jeremy Pal from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests, the Gulf is likely to suffer significant rises in temperature and humidity as a result of climate change, its cities will need to be resilient. Companies capable of constructing renewable and resilient communities will be well placed to survive and expand in the future.  

The Investors’ Summit, entitled Future Cities, will host ideas and perspectives from such speakers as Dr Joe Pilotta (best-selling author and founder of INNOVA), Roberto Forlani (CEO of Power Clouds), and Meik Wiking (CEO of the Happiness Research Institute), as well as others.

Future Cities will not only review and generate ideas for the implementation of more sustainable and resilient urban developments but seek to persuade those involved in investment and construction that such methods are profitable. The speakers have been chosen on the basis of their ability to contribute towards these two complementary discussions.

For the up-to-date program please email at

To participate, sponsor and/or speak, please email Eleanor Claus at