11 Nov 2014
Organized by
Social and Political Sciences Faculty
University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
One of the speakers for this event is Mr. Paulius Kuncinas from Oxford Business Group, who will be giving a speech about AEC in Socio-Economic Perspective.
The regional landscape is changing as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) works towards creating one political, economic, and social and cultural community. Inspired by a spirit of a new ASEAN, at the 12th ASEAN Summit in 2007, ASEAN leaders reaffirmed their commitment to establish the ASEAN Community. The leaders realize the urgent need to intensify efforts to accomplish the ASEAN Community by 2015. Accordingly, at the 14th ASEAN Summit in 2009, the leaders signed off the roadmap for an ASEAN Community, which constitutes the blueprints for the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the ASEAN Social and Cultural Community (ASCC).
The APSC aims to make sure that ASEAN countries live at peace with one another and with the rest of the world in a democratic and harmonious environment. The AEC leads ASEAN to a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labor, and freer flow of capital. Finally, the ASCC is focused on nurturing the human, cultural and natural resources towards an ASEAN Community that is people-oriented and socially responsible.
To accelerate efforts towards this one community, ASEAN seeks to strengthen the relationships among its members, as well as actively reaches out and builds partnerships with other countries. Recognizing the interdependency with rest of the world, ASEAN continues to pursue full integration into the global economy and political environment. It is undoubtedly true then; there is the need of an on going international diplomacy towards ASEAN Community 2015.
Based on this regard, Social and Political Sciences Faculty, University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta organizes “the International Diplomacy Colloquium: Towards the ASEAN Community 2015”.
IDC is an abbreviation of International and Diplomatic Colloquium. IDC is an event mainly consist of two hours of colloquium by two speakers; one speaker from invited diplomats, ambassadors, or international organizations, and one speaker from University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. IDC is conducted by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences from the University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
IDC is aimed for building partnership with embassies and organizations who are willing to share knowledge, experiences, and expertise in dealing with diverse predicaments in the globalization world. IDC is also designed to nurture the connection and communication between international institutions or embassies with local people and local organizations who has similar interests.
The target audiences of IDC mainly are lecturers from various Universities predominantly in Yogyakarta or Middle Java. Secondly, IDC also targeted students from all across universities, local non-government organizations, and journalists from mass media partners. These ranges of audiences are interested in the broad range of Millennium Development Goals discussion topics such as the issues of poverty, education, gender equality or empowerment of women, children, HIV/Aids disease, environmental sustainability, and global partnership.
With the theme “Towards ASEAN Community 2015”, the IDC 2014 aims :
- To highlights ASEAN partnerships with external institution, its partnerships’ progress and challenges
- To discuss the implications of the external partnerships to the establishment of ASEAN Community 2015
- To discuss further opportunities and contributions of the external partnerships in empowering Indonesia towards ASEAN Community 2015.
The Colloquium Series:
- Towards the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) : Learning from Indonesia and the ASEAN – European Union Partnerships – 15 July 2014
Speaker 1: Lecturer From UAJY (15-20 minutes)
Dr. Lukas S. Ispandriarno, MA.
Speaker 2: The European Union (45 minutes)
Mr. Andreas List
- Towards the ASEAN Social and Cultural Community (ASCC) – Forging one ASEAN Identity
As ASEAN is moving forward to its unity, the intersectional identity of each ASEAN members intertwine through the grand design of ASEAN Community. India has a long history as an example to unite various identities, such as India’s support to Asia Africa Conference. Other example is Gandhi as the “Spiritual Leader of India” and “the Light of Asia” perpetuated the idea of universalization of the freedom struggle. His idea highlighted that nationalism are actually both narrow-minded and conservative when viewed the colonial and anti-imperialist context. The Gandhian ideas enhance the issue of ASEAN Community on the contention on: How to fight the global competition? The answer is the unity of several nations through regionalism platform will help their struggle to freedom and welfare, however to compromise the identity would be the challenges.
Speaker 1: Lecturer from FISIP UAJY (15-20 Minutes)
Speaker 2: To be Confirmed (45 Minutes)
Questions and Answers : 30 Minutes
Date and Venue
- Date : October 2014
- Time : 09.00-12.00
- Place : FISIP UAJY
- Towards the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): Facing the Global Economic Challenges
As ASEAN is moving forward with its economic community agenda, its leaders realize the need to deepening and broadening its economic integrations as well as strengthening external economic lingkages. These partnerships will support ASEAN’s efforts to face the global economic challenges. The economic intellegence has alo become important as it provides data about the challenges towards global economy and its relevance to the global political issues.
This qolloquium will present two speakers:
Speaker 1: Lecturer from FISIP UAJY (15-20 Minutes)
- ASEAN Economic Community and the challenge in economy and politics
- Challenges for Higher Education
Speaker 2: the Oxford Business Group (45 Minutes)
Mr. Kuncinas
- ASEAN (Indonesia) and its readiness towards economic community agenda
- Pro and Cons of the ASEAN Economic Community : a global perspective
- The linkages between the ASEAN economic and political agenda.
Questions and Answers: 30 Minutes
Date and Venue
- November 2014
- Time : 09.00-12.00
- Place :Auditorium IV FISIP UAJY
- The target audiences of IDC mainly are lecturers from various Universities predominantly in Yogyakarta or Middle Java. Secondly, IDS also targeted students from all across universities, local non-government organizations, and journalists from mass media partners.
- The numbers will be 100-150 people. Most of them understand english.
- Speakers will prepare (a) Paper or extended power point presentation (b) Presentation (short version of PPT).