15 Dec 2015 - 16 Dec 2015
ICPSD 2015 is set up with two objectives based on the theme of “Economic growth, environmental mitigation and poverty in the post 2015 agenda”.
The first objective of the conference is to create a platform from which to discuss the real meaning of poverty and sustainable development. We feel it will be important to look at the entire scenario and evaluate how far all these changes are going to impact poverty after 2015.
The second objective is to provide a research platform for those who specialise in this field.
Keynote speakers and plenary speakers will include some of the world’s leading thinkers in the poverty & sustainable sector, as well as numerous papers and workshop presentations.
Participants are also welcome to submit a presentation proposal either for a 20-minutes oral presentation, poster presentation or 60-minutes workshop. Parallel sessions are loosely grouped into streams reflecting different perspectives or disciplines. Each stream also has its own talking circle. For those unable to attend the Conference in person, virtual participation is also available.
For more information, please click here to visit the event website or contact the organisers at arun@tiikm.com.