18 Apr 2016 - 20 Apr 2016
Ensuring the safety and security of major economic drivers such as the production, storage and international distribution of energy is vital in GCC countries.
Presided over by Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Bahrain’s minister of energy, InfraSec 2016 will be held April 18-20, 2016. Supported by the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA) and the Bahrain National Gas Company (BANAGAS), Infrasec 2016 is an ideal platform to meet international safety and security experts from key organisations such as BAPCO, Lukoil, SATORP, ConocoPhillips and Kuwait Oil Company.
The event will also cover the following topics:
• Protecting critical assets through security, governance and assurance;
• Assessing enterprise-wide risks and implementing effective risk management strategies;
• Advantages and disadvantages of different types of surveillance systems;
• Enhancing the secure use of networks among employees;
• Security and aerial surveillance of assets in offshore oil and gas environments
• Using surveillance to its full potential for real-time threat detection systems
• Rethinking the approach to physical security
To learn more about the event, download the latest programme here.
Join industry leaders at InfraSec 2016 and discuss the changing trends and evolving challenges in ensuring infrastructure security. To register online, please visit http://www.infrasecme.com/5/registration.aspx
For more information on group delegate packages, please contact Wajahat Hussain at wajahat.hussain@uae.messefrankfurt.com or call +971 4 38 94 621.