30 Sep 2015 - 02 Oct 2015
Registration is now open for the first ever GESS Indonesia, a free exhibition and conference for all levels of education professionals.
The exhibition features over 100 educational suppliers, and the conference will feature interesting topics and speakers, as well as learning that is relevant for the classroom.
Our Keynote Speakers:
Dr Sulistiyo, M.Pd
Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia National Board
Brian Lewis
Chief Executive Officer
Prof. Dr. Arief Rachman, M.Pd
Founder of Labschool
UNESCO Ambassador for Indonesia
Some of the sessions at GESS Indonesia include:
- Neuro Linguistic Programming – Personality, Learning and Teacher Performance
- Google Classroom and Educator
- Anti-Bullying Policy and Practice in Schools
- Developing and Changing the Perception of Vocational Training
- Utilising Tools Around you for Effective Education
- Green Technology and Practice
- Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom
- Benefits of Foreign Language Learing
- Early Years Learning
- 21st Century Learning – Technology, Digital and ICT
- Mental Revolution to Build a New Generation of Teachers
- STEAM Learning
- Subject specific / Deep Learning i,e. Maths, History
- Career Development
- Leadership and Management
Click here to view the full programme, and here to register.
To bring your colleagues, register them for free for their fast track pass here.
We look forward to welcoming you at GESS Indonesia 2015.