Third Party Event

28 Mar 2016

OBG’s Managing Editor for Africa Rob Tashima moderated the ‘Investment trends in African Infrastructure’ panel at The Global African Investment Summit London – 2015.

According to Deloitte African Construction Trends report, 2013 and 2014 exhibited a 46.2% growth in mega project construction value at more than US$50 million. Energy and power accounted for 37% of the number of mega projects undertaken in Africa in 2014 , followed by transport (34%).

The areas the panel looked to discuss focused on the future of African infrastructure, “What are the major obstacles to financing infrastructure in Africa?”, “The role in foreign governments in increasing infrastructure investment in Africa” and “Who is investing in infrastructure in Africa?” are a few examples of what the panel explored.

The panel consisted of:

Peter Riddoch- CEO Damac Group

Oliver Chambord- Partner, Morgan Lewis

Andrew Alli-president & CEO-Africa Finance Corporation

Kate Quartey-Papafio- CEO Reroy Group

Mouhamadou Niang-Managing Director Meridiam Infrastructure Africa

Dani Kinder-Founder & CEO-Double Kingdom

Gilberto Rodrigues – CEO Mota-Engil Africa.