13 Mar 2017 - 15 Mar 2017
In a timely moment when upcoming FSRU and small-scale LNG shipping projects are happening in Indonesia, the FSRU and Small LNG Shipping Forum 2017, taking place on March 13-15, 2017 at the Dharmawangsa Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia.
This business-critical event is co-organised by All Events Group and Energy Nusantara.
Expect to meet and network with key regulators and stakeholders including Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Directorate General of Oil and Gas, SKK Migas, Directorate General of Sea Transport, SKK Migas, PT Pertamina, PT PLN, PT Pertamina Gas, PT PGN, PT PGN LNG, PT Nusantara Regas, PT Pelni.
More information is available on www.lng-world.com
Small LNG ships and infrastructure will concurrently play a vital role in LNG distribution within islands, either from land-based or offshore LNG terminals. This will inevitably be complementary and necessary options with the availability of FSRUs in various hotspots. This forum will also cover other related small-scale LNG distribution and infrastructure segment, including LNG bunkering to support the power generation industry.
Workshops on March 13, 2017:
- Workshop A: Tailoring LNG Import Terminals to meet gas market requirements
- Workshop B: Strategies and feasible economic evaluations to include small scale LNG shipping into offshore LNG distribution projects
Register your interest today!