26 Sep 2013
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the Expo Halal International which will be held on 26 – 27 September, in Morocco. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
Expo Halal International in Meknès (Morocco)
Expo Halal International, an international exhibition dedicated to Halal export, is taking place for the second year in Morocco, following the conference on Halal products held during the 10th France-Maghreb Convention that took place in Marrakesh, under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI.
Under the theme ‘Export of Halal Products: Research and innovation’, the 2d edition will showcase the initiatives that best promote innovation, research and development.
Expo Halal International is a professional meeting dedicated to all international players involved in the Halal sector:
- Foodstuff and food components producers
- Industrialists and agro-industrialists
- Distributors/Suppliers
- Professionals of dedicated services (banks, insurance, cooperatives, education…)
The Halal norm of Morocco will enable local and international companies to gain the trust of millions of consumers around the world.
Some pioneering countries will present their experiences in this field during Expo Halal International in order to develop a label adapted to the needs of the global Halal market.
His Excellence Haji Abdul Malik Kassim, State Minister for Religious Affairs & Domestic Trade Penang- Malaysia will be present with a delegation from his country.
More information in the website: www.expo-halal-international.com/ or by email: mccmrh@gmail.com , or by phone 212 6 64 78 69 87.