Third Party Event

12 Oct 2021 - 14 Oct 2021

CBRNe threats are increasing and also the threat of lone wolf extremists carrying out random attacks in major cities. 

During our international event you will hear perspectives from military and civil officials who deal with CBRNe incidents. Many government departments and agencies across the region have realised the importance of CBRNe capabilities and preparedness and budgets have been increased to deal with the new type of threats faced to civilians.

CBRNe Summit USA will focus on a number of key topics across the whole spectrum of the CBRNe domain such as local Nevada State CBRNe Response Capabilities, Chem-Bio Countermeasures and Response strategies, International CBRNe Response and Preparedness, U.S. Preparedness and Response to CBRNe Threats and Attacks, First Responder Techniques – Hazmat and Decon and Combating Infectious Diseases across the U.S.

To take part in our inaugural CBRNe Summit USA conference and exhibition as either a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or delegate please contact us at or call us at +44 7792 47 32 46.