Third Party Event

07 May 2013

Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the Air, Sea and Rail Transportation Pre-Market Sounding and Supplier Briefing (ASRT’13) which will be held on 07 – 08 May, in Indonesia. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:

Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,

The Air, Sea and Rail Transportation Pre-Market Sounding and Supplier Briefing (ASRT’13) happening on May 07-08 in Indonesia is a part of the Indonesia Infrastructure Fast Track Seminar Series (IIFTSS), organised by the official event secretariat of Government Indonesia.

Click here for more information

IIFTSS was developed to examine the transportation subsector and the need for investment in order to ensure increased and sustainable economic growth across Indonesia. Supplementary to this program, senior Government officials both central and regional will deliver updated information and regulations and will present the priority projects which are ready for pre-market sounding.

Air, Sea and Rail Transportation Projects Presentation with Projects Value:

  1. Kulonprogo International Airport, DI Yogyakarta USD 500.00 Million
  2. Kertajati International Airport USD 130.00 Million
  3. Urban Development of Banda Aceh USD 220.00 Million
  4. Tanah Ampo Cruise Terminal USD 36.00 Million
  5. Expansion of Tanjung Priok Port, Cilamaya, Karawang, West Java, Phase 1 USD 2.40 Billion and Phase 2 USD 1.00 Billion
  6. Integrated Terminal of Gedebage (Railways), Bandung, West Java USD 133.00 Million
  7. Revitalization of Yogyakarta Rail Station and Pedestrianization of Malioboro, D. I Yogyakarta USD 870.00 Million
  8. Soeta-Manggarai International Railway Development USD 2.00 Billion
  9. Jakarta Integrated Urban Transport HUB Development Project USD 177.78 Million
  10. Automatic PM Cikarang, Phase 1 USD 650.00 Million and Phase 2 USD 1.30 Billion

IIFTSS has been developed with the support of the Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference & Exhibition (IIICE). The seminars will expand each sector in detail, focusing on accelerating the development of the national infrastructure. They will feature the latest policy and regulation updates and explain tendering processes. Market sounding on projects slated for tender including detailed presentations of both national & regional PPP projects will be a focus in each seminar in support of advancing the national agenda of MP3EI.

Contact the official IIFTSS event secretariat, PT Infrastructure Asia at the details below to find out more about each event and to secure your place today.

PT. Infrastructure Asia
Graha Anugrah Building
5th Floor, Jalan Teluk Betung 42
Jakarta 10230 – Indonesia
T. +62 21 391 3037 | F. +62 21 391 3349