26 Jun 2015
2015 Conference Theme: Innovative Strategies For Sustainable Growth In An Evolving Market
The Africa Business Club of Lagos Business School is a student-led organisation whose major event is the Africa Business Conference. The Conference aims to bridge the gap between future business leaders and present business leaders so as to create a prosperous future for the continent.
The Conference will be an opportunity for participants to gain key insights from, and engage with, prominent Business Leaders, Senior Public Sector Representatives, Investors and the Academia who are shaping the Africa of today and tomorrow.
The Club’s premiere edition of the conference was tagged “Breeding African Lions: Imperatives for Global Competitiveness’’ and the sophomore edition was “Africa Lions Arising: Driving private sector growth through enhanced intra-Africa trade”. These were held in May 2013 and May 2014 respectively and were huge success. T
The Club will be hosting the third edition of the conference in 26th June 2015 with the theme; “Innovative strategies for sustainable growth in an evolving market” which is open Africa as a whole.