06 Sep 2016 - 07 Sep 2016
With 230 senior executives from the power and energy sectors, PSEA 2016 will feature 40 expert and industry speakers as well as 30 sponsors and exhibitors. The event will also have roundtable discussions, debates on renewable and conventional resources and an interview with power and energy leaders.
PSEA 2016 will attract power and energy producers, government officials, EPCs, investors and legal consultants, service providers and distributors.
Previous utility supporters of the event include the following:
- Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise
- Yangon Power Supply Board
- EDF Energy Group
- EVN Vietnam
- TATA Power
- Meralco
- Reliance Infrastructure
- Pertamina
- HK Electric
- Sunlabob
- Adaro
- First Solar
- Tepco
- PEA Thailand
- PTT Thailand
- TNB Malaysia
- Indonesia Power
- Taiwan Power
Want to exhibit? Please send your exhibition interest directly to us to secure the premier place.
- 4 sq metre-table top: $4000 with 2 free tickets;
- 6 sq metre-shell scheme: $6000 with 3 free tickets;
- 12 sq metre-luxury stands: $8000 with 5 free tickets.
If you have any enquiry about your participation, please feel free to contact by e-mail; info@wispool.com or call us at +86 21 5666 9691.
Visit us at www.powersea2016.org for registration and more information about the event.