23 May 2016 - 24 May 2016
This year’s event will introduce lean construction principles and an optional exclusive course on May 25, which will be independent from the main conference.
New participants will learn the following:
- How to deploy BIM-based practices across a company;
- How to frequently and efficiently connect a construction site to the design (with a focus on lean construction);
- How to leverage lean construction management methods for better control of material flows and construction work;
- How to focus on key value-adding BIM applications;
- Application and value of BIM for complex projects like infrastructure, research facilities and hospitals
- Common applications of BIM and lean principles for diverse types of projects.
Participants experienced in BIM and lean construction will learn the following:
- How to think about the strategy of a company considering the power of BIM and lean-related technologies and methodologies;
- How to minimise waste of materials, time and effort using the latest lean construction principles;
- How to implement BIM-based design, planning, coordination and construction processes and learn about work progression and how to detect major problems;
- Opportunities beyond basic BIM implementation;
- How BIM and project controls help ensure that every job is done right the first time;
- How to connect BIM-based information with daily construction work and planning.
To register, please visit http://bimconference.me/register/ and for more info, please visit http://www.bimconference.me/