09 Sep 2014
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
OBG is pleased to announce its media partnership with the 3rd Indonesia Financial Services Summit, organised by IDC Financial Insights, which will be held on 9th of September 2014, in Indonesia. Please see the below message from the organisers; for more information please visit: http://www.asean.idc.asia/events/view/?event_id=502&loc_id=932
Supported by Perbanas, IDC Financial Insights’ 3rd Indonesia Financial Services Summit is pleased to announce the line-up of sessions and speakers who will be sharing their experiences and insights.
- Opening Address by Mr Sigit Pramono, Chairman, PERBANAS AND Dr. Mulya E. Siregar, Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervision, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (IFSA)/ Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)
- Succeeding in a Digital Revolution by Mr Lee Volante, Director Business Solutions Group, Temenos Asia Pacific
- Making Microfinancing Work in 2014 by Ms Felia Salim, Vice President Director, Bank BNI
- Banking on Happy Customer by Mr Guruprasad Gaonkar, Industry Director & Head, Financial Services Industry, SEA, SAP
- Delivering Synergies. Realizing Innovation by Ms Rita Mas’Oen, Director, Operations & Information Technology, CIMB Niaga
- “Good Old” Customer Values by Mr Rick Woodham, CTO, FIS Asia Pacific
- Mobile Banking: Thinking Beyond Transactions by Mr Anurag Srivastava, Regional Head, Financial Services, Kofax
- Bitcoins: Another Fad at Virtual Currency by Mr Oscar Darmawan CEO, Bitcoin Indonesia
- Strengthening Enterprise Security in FSI by Mr Jeffrey Sukardi, Chief Manager, Enterprise Security, BCA
- Your New Strategic Differentiator: Operational Risk & Governance by Ms Dawny Tahar, Country Head of Audit, Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia
- Panel Discussion on New Themes for Customer Engagement by Mr Anand Tilak, Country Manager, Facebook Indonesia AND Mr Donny Presetya, EVP, Head of e-Channel and Digital Services, Commonwealth Bank Indonesia
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