
Blockchain technology holds the potential to revolutionise trade and provide opportunities for Morocco and the developing world

Blockchain – the distributed-ledger technology that underpins cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin – appears set to transform a wide variety of industries and perhaps fundamentally change the way business is conducted around the globe. While the technology is still taking off and its potential is not fully known, many emerging markets are hoping that it will allow them to leapfrog older infrastructure…


Economies worldwide prepare for next industrial revolution

The global economy is entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), or Industry 4.0, based on the application of new digital and automated technologies in production processes and service delivery. These changes are presenting emerging markets with opportunities such as improved productivity, as well as risks, namely reshoring and the displacement of human labour by automation. Wealthier…

CEO Survey

OBG Business Barometer: Algeria CEO Survey

En Français OBG Business Barometer: Algeria CEO Survey Copyright (c). All rights reserved. This survey has been designed to assess business sentiment amongst business leaders (Chief Executives or equivalent) and their outlook for the next 12 months. Unlike many surveys, the OBG Business Barometer is conducted by OBG staff on a face-to-face basis, across the full range of industries, company sizes…

CEO Survey in Figures

OBG BUSINESS BAROMETER : Enquête auprès des PDG d’Algérie

In English OBG Business Barometer: Sondage auprès des dirigeants des sociétés algériennes Copyright (c). Tous les droits sont réservés. Ce sondage a été conçu pour évaluer l’indice de confiance des dirigeants d’entreprise quant à la situation économique et les perspectives de développement au cours de la prochaine année. Contrairement à de nombreuses enquêtes, le baromètre…

CEO Survey Analysis

Les dirigeants d’entreprises en Algérie ont-ils raison d’être optimistes?

In English En partenariat avec: Suite à l’effondrement des prix du pétrole en 2014 et 2015, l’Algérie a adopté dès l’année suivante un nouveau modèle de croissance axé sur la diversification économique. Cette stratégie a pour but de concilier plusieurs impératifs : l’amélioration du solde des finances publiques, la réduction du déséquilibre de la balance…