The Americas Peru Energy Search Page
The mining sector is emerging from what has been arguably its most challenging period in the 21st century. The commodity supercycle boom at the start of the century generated high expectations for the mining sector as emerging markets grew rapidly, led by the BRICs. With the price of most base metals peaking in 2012, the subsequent downturn cast shadows over the sector worldwide and…
Congress Highlights: Mining Peru is a strategic platform for the leaders of the mining industry, bringing together more than 200+ decision making executives from national and international companies, as well as government officials, regulatory bodies, academia, project owners, technology and services providers, and international and local investors 40+ investment projects on construction, expansion,…
En Español – The region returned to economic growth this year after 2020’s recession – One outcome of the pandemic has been increasing levels of digitalisation – Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are seeing rapid uptake – Sustainability and circular economy principles are shaping the region’s future Following a difficult 2020, Latin America and the Caribbean has seen…
En Español Despite the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic – which caused Peru's GDP to contract by more than 11% in 2020 – the economy is recovering and businesses are strengthening their commitments to sustainable development. This report focuses on the current outlook, challenges and opportunities for Peru to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the role of Perú Sostenible,…
In English A pesar del impacto negativo de la pandemia que causó una caída del PIB peruano de más del 11% en el 2020, la economía del país ha logrado recuperarse a la par que el sector empresarial ha fortalecido sus compromisos con los lineamientos de desarrollo sostenible. Este reporte se enfoca en el panorama actual, los desafíos y las oportunidades del Perú para cumplir con los Objetivos…