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Featured by OBG

The Report: Saudi Arabia 2022

Saudi Arabia has undergone significant reforms to foster growth and diversification. While some initiatives were delayed during the Covid-19 pandemic, progress in areas such as the digital economy accelerated. Aided by elevated oil prices in 2022, strategies underlined in Vision 2030 continue moving forwards, and the Kingdom today presents ample opportunities for foreign investors, underpinned by efforts to boost private sector participation in the economy.

The Report: Cote d'Ivoire 2022

After achieving a region-leading economic recovery in the decade since political stability was established, future growth and industrialisation strategy will continue to be shaped by the National Development Plan 2021-25, which constitutes a holistic approach to achieving emerging market status and meaningful poverty reduction by 2030.

The Report: Bahrain 2022

After weathering a series of global and regional challenges in recent years, Bahrain is emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic with strong growth, rising government revenue and a new plan for the future economy. As energy and tourism earnings recover, the kingdom aims to generate sustainable long-term growth opportunities through new sector strategies and transformational infrastructure projects. These positive developments build on the country’s robust financial services and manufacturing sectors, which have helped make it one of the most diverse economies in the Gulf.

The Report: Egypt 2022

Located at the geographic centre of the MENA region, Egypt has a well-documented history that has seen it accumulate knowledge and wealth over millennia. Egypt proved resilient during the Covid-19 pandemic: it was the only country in the MENA region to record positive GDP growth in 2020. Its economy has been widely driven by the execution of Egypt Vision 2030. This plan notably aims to increase annual GDP to 12% in 2030.

The Report: Qatar 2022

Qatar is leveraging its resources to become a knowledge-based, diversified economy fuelled by a dynamic private sector. As such, the country is investing in strategic areas such as agriculture, services, and research and development to further move the economy away from its dependence on hydrocarbons and attract greater foreign direct investment.

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