The growing ICT industry and start-up ecosystem in Misrata are showing promise, and policymakers are exploring ways to boost access to reliable internet connectivity and power supply to unleash the full potential of ICT-driven entrepreneurship.
Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures and data privacy protection is crucial to building trust in digital transactions. Notably, mobile phones are the preferred means of internet access for 80.7% of Libyan internet users, with laptop and desktop computers following as the most favoured devices for online connectivity.
Capacity building and ICT skills development programmes offer the potential to leverage the benefits of ICT in business and entrepreneurship. Training and educational resources can prove advantageous for entrepreneurs, business owners and the workforce by enhancing digital literacy as well as boosting technological competencies.
Opportunities to collaborate with international organisations and partnerships between the public and private sectors can further support the growth of ICT-enabled businesses and foster innovation in Misrata. Sharing best practices, accessing funding opportunities and leveraging expertise from global networks could potentially contribute to the sustainable development of the ICT ecosystem in the broader region.
Recent developments have shown positive momentum in Misrata’s technology start-up ecosystem. In May 2023 the UN Development Programme, in partnership with local economic promotion agency Tatweer Research, launched the TEC+ Accelerator programme, selecting 50 start-ups – including 36 women-led companies – to participate. This initiative aims to strengthen the physical and scientific capacities of these early-stage enterprises, accelerate their growth and create employment opportunities in the market.
Additionally, in May 2023 the government approved the National Strategy for the Communications and Informatics Sector for 2023-27, setting the stage to further accelerate development. The strategy focuses on establishing a sustainable and secure digital sector, integrating informatics across industries, promoting good governance, enhancing infrastructure security and data confidentiality, fostering economic growth, developing skills, encouraging digital literacy and providing comprehensive postal services.
The ICT industry and start-up ecosystem in Misrata and Libya have seen notable growth in recent years and hold potential for further development. With continued support from government initiatives, collaborations and investment in infrastructure and skills, Misrata is set to continue to thrive as a centre for technology-driven entrepreneurship and innovation in the coming years.