Saudi Arabia’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic was aided by sustained investments in health care and digital infrastructure, favourable demographics, and strong macroeconomic indicators prior to the outbreak. This latest report takes a closer look at how the country has mitigated the challenges so far, and focuses specifically on how the ICT sector has coped with rapid changes in demand and consumption patterns, as well as the emergence of new growth opportunities in the digital economy.
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The report looks at four key areas:
- How well prepared was the country to withstand an unexpected shock?
- Was the economy sufficiently productive and diversified?
- Had effective investments been made in medical and digital infrastructure?
- Were public finances and private debt at sustainable levels?
- How rapid and effective were policy responses to the pandemic?
- As a result, what has been the direct impact on public health and the wider economy?
- How did consumers respond to the disruption, and how quickly did the private sector adapt?
- What actions were taken to ensure business continuity?
- What are the prospects for an economic rebound?
- Are the right actions being taken to accelerate the recovery?
- How positive is economic sentiment?
- What business trends and opportunities have emerged in the pandemic?
- To what extent is economic policy geared towards the industries of the future?
- Which segments are likely to drive growth in the digital economy?
- What role witll stc play in unlocking KSA’s potential?