Third Party Event

23 May 2017

The 18th National Human Resources Summit brings together HR professionals and representatives and other stakeholders to review the role of HR in the age of disruption to ensure that HR stays relevant and take the lead in contributing towards organisational success.

Why Attend?

  • Receive high-level insights on key trends and disruptions in the HR landscape that interplay to impact the entire spectrum of recruiting, developing and engaging, as well as retaining talents to drive performance;
  • Learn to relate those key trends and disruptions to your organisation to place it on the right track moving forward;
  • Get expert tips on cultivating and supporting high-impact leadership to deliver value;
  • Be exposed to the challenges, opportunities, and best practices in reshaping learning and development;
  • Gain clearer understanding on creating engaging and empowering experiences to align your employees’ expectations with your organisation’s policies and practices;
  • Benefit from real-life examples of diversification to learn what would be most appropriate.

Who Should Attend?

  • HR professionals and representatives;
  • Other professionals;
  • Industry captains;
  • SME owners;
  • Senior government officials;
  • Educators;
  • Other professionals.