08 Sep 2014
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
OBG is pleased to announce its media partnership with Saudi Agriculture Seminar Series, organised by Advanced Conferences & Meetings, which will be held on 08-09 September, in Saudi Arabia. Please see the below message from the organisers; for more information please visit: www.saudi-agriculture.com
Taking place during the Saudi Agriculture exhibition, the Saudi Agriculture Seminar Series will present a number of highly unique sessions spread across two days, for all those involved in the agriculture industry in Saudi Arabia.
Some of the key topics which will be discussed during the seminars include:
- Agribusiness in Saudi Arabia and exploring future investment strategies
- Exploring the future of greenhouse management and organic farming in Saudi Arabia
- The growing industries of poultry farming and aquaculture in Saudi Arabia
- Saudi Arabia irrigation challenges and future water resource solutions
Organisations confirmed to deliver presentations during the seminars include:
- Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands
- Saudi Agriculture & Livestock Investment Company (SALIC)
- Saudi Greenhouse Management & Agriculture
- Agriculture Economics Research Institute (LEI)
- Golden Grass
- Public Investment Fund (PIF)
- Arabian Shrimp Company
- Agriculture Development Fund (Fisheries Sector Development)
- GIZ International Services (Organic Farming Project)
- National Aquaculture Company (NAQUA)
- International Center for Biosaline Agriculture
- United Nations FAO (Food & Agriculture Organisation)
- Embassy of Brazil
- Saudi Fisheries Company
Reserve your seat now for only US$ 100 at the Saudi Agriculture Seminar Series! Please note that places are strictly limited so pre-registration is required. You can also contact us at opportunities@acm-events.com, or tel +971 4 361 4001, or visit www.saudi-agriculture.com for more details.
There are a limited number of opportunities for technology providers, manufacturers and agriculture companies to sponsor these seminars, which will provide the ideal platform for you to demonstrate the advantages of your products to the assembled audience.
For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Firaz Khalid on opportunities@acm-events.com or +971 4 361 4001