Third Party Event

11 Jun 2018 - 12 Jun 2018

PERÚ ENERGÍA is the annual meeting for officials and executives related to the energy industry (Electricity and Hydrocarbons). At this forum, which is organised by PRENSA GRUPO, international and local speakers analyse and debate the situation and future scenarios for the Energy sector.

The main objective of this meeting is to generate proposals and plans to create and consolidate a sustainable and secure Energy sector. That is why PERÚ ENERGÍA will not only tackle local situations and problematic, but will also consider global new tendencies and technologies that are changing the industry. 

The sixth edition of PERÚ ENERGÍA will take place on June 11 and 12, at Swissotel Lima. The first day will be dedicated to the Peruvian Oil & Gas situation, and the second day will analyze the most important topics of the Electricity sector.

During the forum, Electricity, and Oil & Gas investments, projects, legal reforms, technological changes, problems, and challenges will be exposed by the actors of this strategic activity.

The topics for PERÚ ENERGÍA conferences and roundtables are selected by our advisory committee, which is integrated by recognized professionals that give their perspective for the discussions.

PERÚ ENERGÍA has the backing and support of important institutions, guilds, and businesses in the sector such as the Ministry for Energy and Mines, Osinergmin, Perupetro, Petroperú, ENGIE Energía Perú, among others.