Third Party Event

11 Jun 2015 - 12 Jun 2015

  1. ENI is now among the largest operators in an emerging Myanmar after signing new production sharing contracts.
  2. Reliance Signs PSC for offshore blocks In Myanmar.
  3. Chevron inks Myanmar offshore exploration PSC with MOGE.
  4. Woodside inks PSC offshore Myanmar.
  5. Shell and its partner Mitsui Oil Exploration Co. signed three exploration and PSCs with MOGE to operate three offshore deep-water blocks.

Offshore E&P Summit Myanmar 2015 serves as a platform to share details of offshore production activities. This event will gather oil operators and government regulators together to discuss the selection of suitable vendors. Offshore E&P Summit Myanmar 2015 are also inviting 162 local engineering companies who are registered with EPD. 

  Featured Speakers:

  • U Aung Myat Soe, Deputy General Manager, MOE
  • U Aung Kyaw Htoo, Assistant Director, EPD, MOE
  • U Than Minn, Director (Planning), MOGE
  • U Than Tun, Director (Offshore), MOGE
  • Daw Wah Wah Thaung, Executive Engineer (Planning), MOGE
  • U Aung Naing Oo, Director General, DICA
  • U Than Aye, Director-ECD, MECF
  • Mukesh Maheshwari, Head of Engineering Department, PTTEP
  • U Lynn Myint, VP/Chief Geologist, North Petro-Chem Corporation (Myanmar) Ltd.
  • Si Bo Joo, Managing Director Myanmar, Daewoo E&P
  • U Zaw Win, Head, drilling department, Parami Energy Group of Companies
  • Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, Chairman, SMART TECHNICAL SERVICES CO., LTD.
  • lVN Singh, Group General Manager, ONGC Videsh Ltd.

Highlights in Unconventional Gas Convention Australia 2015:

Day 1

  1. Myanmar Oil and Gas Supply and Demand forecast for next 10 years
  2. Detail Schedule of Operators after signing PSC agreement (EIA/SIA Seismic to Drilling Shallow Water to Drilling Deep Water)

Day 2

  1. Myanmar logistics challenges for Offshore Oil & Gas
  2. Challenges & Potential of Drilling Operations

For more information, please visit the event website or contact the secretariat at +86 21 31069250,