10 Oct 2010
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce our media partnership with the MENA ICT Forum, which will be held on 10-11 October 2010, in Amman, Jordan. In this respect, we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group subscribers,
The MENA ICT Forum™ (www.menaictforum.com) is the MENA region’s premier biennial ICT industry event, held in Jordan under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II. Extended from what was previously a biennial event known as the Jordan ICT Forum, this important event will take place during October 10 – 11, 2010 and is expanding to showcase the entire MENA region’s ICT success stories, trends, opportunities and future outlook.
Over 500 distinguished industry leaders will convene to exchange ideas and discuss the future of ICT in the MENA region, through a carefully planned agenda of plenary sessions. The MENA ICT Forum™ ‘s content-rich agenda will provide the business community, decision makers and stakeholders with a holistic overview of the region’s current position, opportunities on hand and recommended approach for leveraging its potential. These sessions will be featured through a lineup of renowned speakers who will offer their global perspectives about the MENA region and provide valuable advice and insight.
Previously featured keynote speakers included H.M. King Abdullah II, Intel’s CEO Dr. Craig Barrett, Cisco’s Chairman Mr. John Chambers, 3Com’s CEO Mr. Edgar Masri, Sun Microsystems’ Chief Researcher Mr. John Gage, among others.
Topics and Discussions In the Works
This session will demonstrate the MENA region’s high growth rates and excellent business opportunities. In specific, regional presenters will articulate their countries’ vital indicators in terms of statistics, growth rates, internet users, penetration rates, governments support, advancement programs, incentives, legislative environments, investment climates, as well as support for entrepreneurship.
MENA at a Glance
A story is better told through real-life cases. In the Works features current investment and business ventures that are being executed throughout the region to highlight why their owners chose the MENA area as a destination, what their main success-drivers have been, what they have benefited from operating in/out of the region and what they recommend to others.
Arabic Content
This interactive Arabic Content session addresses real opportunities that are present on the ground today, and which feature valuable business opportunities for regional and international service providers and stakeholders.
Social Media, beyond Socializing and Marketing
Social networks are increasingly being regarded as the new way of marketing and have been thus embraced by many organizations. This session will present speakers from academia, private enterprises and think-tanks with the opportunity to reflect on these networks’ implications on regional social structures and ways-of-life.
Business Processes Outsourcing
Global BPO companies are increasingly setting up regional presence through partnering with existing companies or by launching new centers. These endeavors cater to global companies that wish to capitalize on what the region has to offer including cost structure, robust infrastructure and local social/linguistic attributes among others.
Emerging Technologies & Trends
This session elaborates on global trends and issues such as green IT and Energy/Water/Environment (EWE). This informative session brings prominent industry leaders from across the world together to discuss prevailing practices, their global impact and recommendations for regional adoption and adaptations.
Mobile Applications and Development
The world is moving towards mobile applications at exponential rates. This session will specifically feature case studies and discussions that address the opportunity of building Arabic and localized applications that build on Arabic/local content and tap on what needs to be done to open doors and offer these services to all MENA countries.
Cloud Computing
How “cloudy” is the MENA region, and what opportunities are companies missing out on by not adopting this trend? Moreover, what is the MENA region lacking in order to capture market demand with regards to cloud computing? This informative session will leave attending delegates with a spectacularly increased understanding of the entire scope of the cloud computing spectrum in the region.
The Way Forward
The Way Forward provides regional and global organizations with practical steps and tips on establishing and expanding their presence in the region. This event aims not only at sharing the collective knowledge and experience of global and regional experts and key industry players, but will also serve as an arena for discussions on the Industry’s current situation and the challenges it faces. It will also provide a venue through which industry players can meet to work out productive partnerships that will lead to further growth, ensuring that the Region is in-line with strategic directions of the global ICT industry. More importantly, the Forum will build on the already existing commitment of authorities in the Region to enable their citizens and establishments to compete in national and global markets, simply because productivity increases through better access to and use of information.
For more information, please visit our website http://www.menaictforum.com/