18 Nov 2014 - 21 Nov 2014
IBC Asia’s Indonesia Healthcare Conference (Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta, 18-21 November 2014) brings together industry players from Government, healthcare associations, pharmaceuticals, insurance, hospitals and other stakeholders to discuss the proactive steps to take and support in order to implement universal healthcare coverage.
Keynote Featured Panel Discussion: Examining Indonesia’s Universal Healthcare Coverage Roadmap by 2019
- Identifying costs, benefits and current developments
- Understanding the challenges involved and determining the best approach to overcome them
- Proactive steps to take and industry support needed to improve healthcare outcomes Inspecting reimbursement claims: current policy vs. industry’s assertion
- Evaluating Government’s policy implementation
- Executing insurance policies
- Examining and strengthening relationships between hospital, pharmaceutical, insurance and government
Wawan Mulyawan, Neurosurgeon Consultant & Health Insurance Expert, Wooridul Spine Center, Indonesia
* View the rest of the discussions by downloading the brochure HERE
Hear from the following Panelists and more:
- (Government) Ali Ghufron Mukti, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
- (Hospital) Achmad Tancarino, CEO, RSAB Harapan Kita Hospital, Indonesia
- (Hospital) Alexander Varghese, Executive Director, Siloam Hospitals Medan, Indonesia
- (Insurance) Chris Bendl, CEO & President Director, Manulife, Indonesia
- (Pharmaceutical) Shanti Shamdasan, Director, Government Affairs ASEAN, PT Johnson & Johnson, Indonesia
View Full Speaker List HERE
You will also be able to gather some thoughts from Government Speakers from TAIWAN, MALAYSIA and THAILAND about Overcoming Challenges & Determining Lessons Learnt from Neighbouring Countries on their own Developments of Universal Healthcare!
Kindly visit our website www.indonesia-healthcare.com for more information about this event.
4 Easy Ways to Register
Tel: +65 6508 2401 | Fax: +65 6508 2407
Email: register@ibcasia.com.sg | Click here to Register » (Please quote P46250OBG when you register)