24 Oct 2013
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the Healthcare Forum 2013 which will be held on 24 October, in Kuala Lumpur. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
Healthcare Forum 2013
Addressing the needs of a changing citizenry
24 October 2013 Prince Hotel & Residence Kuala Lumpur
This forum will serve as a discussion platform for healthcare practitioners, consultants, insurers, suppliers, researchers, industry leaders, and policy makers as well as other related professionals.
Key Concerns:
- Promoting general health and wellness consciousness, awareness of urbanisation and lifestyle health risks, and healthy aging
- Examining developments in terms of various initiatives and innovations in early detection and treatment of major diseases
- Exploring the rising demand on medical tourism especially in the areas of aesthetic medicine and aged care
- Looking into developments in healthcare financing options to cater to the needs of all segments of society thereby ensuring affordable access to all
Who Should Attend?
- Healthcare and Medical Professionals
- Hospitals and other Healthcare or Medical Institutions or Organisations
- Healthcare or Medical Associations, Consultants, Analysts, Legal Advisers, Financial Advisers
- Government Bodies
- Pharmaceuticals’ Companies
- Medical Devices’ Manufacturers or Research and Development Institutions
- Insurers, Bankers or other Financiers for Healthcare
- Travel Agencies, Hotels and other Organisations catering to Medical Tourism
- Investors
- Rehabilitation Centres, Wellness Centres, Spas
- Employers across industries
- Academia
- General Public interested in healthcare matters
Why Attend?
- Gain insights into the healthcare industry’s growth potential in Malaysia
- Learn about the trends and innovations in promoting health and wellness awareness, consciousness and lifestyle changes as well as prevention, early detection and treatment of chronic diseases
- Get updates on the rising trends in healthcare as well as developments in the financing of healthcare
- Benefit from the experience and expertise of highly knowledgeable and experienced role-players
- Understand your organisation’s role in contributing towards a healthier nation, which translates into a healthier workforce and improved bottom-line for your organisation
- Opportunity to broaden your network and form synergistic partnerships with like-minded professionals and organisations