Third Party Event

15 Apr 2021

Epay Europe will deliver a day full of thought-provoking discussions and virtual exhibitions featuring the leaders and influencers shaping the next evolution of online payments.

What to expect?
Are we heading into an era of cash refusal and how do we avoid leaving people behind? 
 Plastic cards do not provide the convenience desired within a digital age. However, those opposed to a cashless society will argue this discriminates against the underbanked. Furthermore, it can be argued that we’re going into an era of cash refusal!  
What and how are fintech industries beginning to address this? 

 Are we innovating solely for the tech savvy millennial market? 
How do you structure your teams to produce diverse and innovative offerings? If innovation does not have to be new technology, what does innovation need to be in order to succeed in the next evolution of e-payments? 

Is “m-commerce” the buzz of the past – are we entering the rise of social payments? 
Do native mobile ecommerce checkouts currently facilitate the omni-channel shopper – how far does the industry have to go? ARVR capabilities have struggled to commercialise e-commerce usage despite a clear opportunity to game change consumer experience. How close are ARVR providers to full scalability? Social payment is the use of social media to transfer money to another person or business – does this need regulating? 
Is payments security response proactive or reactive? 
Are we ever ahead of security or are we constantly troubleshooting once a fraud or security breach is committed? Is the industry doing enough to pre-empt big data security in light of the rapidly increasing applications of payments on IOT devices. Is biometric authentication either fingerprint, voice or face the only technology capable of providing both security and convenience? 

Join the conversation on 15th of April, 2021 and register today!