07 May 2018 - 08 May 2018
The fourth annual CSR forum is held to create a state of integration among all the parties concerned with community work in Egypt. The forum aims at providing the opportunity for the private sector and civil society to present their development plans and discuss the most important and crucial issues that can drive our economy forward and guarantee a decent life for every Egyptian citizen.
The forum will discuss how to elaborate community work concept in Egypt through spreading awareness among youth about the importance of volunteering in development projects, in addition to building trust between the civil society and private sector and highlighting the NGOs law and its role in setting a legislative frame.
The forum will also shed light on the different means of encouraging private sector to participate in the development and how it can achieve integration between the business and development goals. Also, the forum will launch an initiative to support and develop the ailing industrial zones.
The forum brings together all community work and CSR stakeholders in Egypt to exchange ideas and expertise, and establish effective partnerships. This forum acts as a very influential tool for promoting new initiatives and highlighting the e¬fforts of the private sector in achieving real development and engaging in a serious dialogue with government representatives.
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