25 Nov 2015
Oxford Business Group is pleased to partner with Euroconvention on the upcoming Djibouti Infrastructure & Renewable Energy Investment Conference scheduled to take place on November 25th at Hotel Sheraton, Djibouti City.
The program of the forum will consist of two major half day sessions:
1. Infrastructure – Logistics – Free Zones
Speakers to include:
- Joseph SILVA, Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation in Djibouti
- Said NOUH, General Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport, Djibouti
- Youssouf Moussa DAWALEH, President, Djibouti Chamber of Commerce
- Mahdi Darar OBSIEH, Director General, National Investment Promotion Agency, Djibouti
- Aboubaker OMAR HADI, Chairman, Djibouti Ports & Free Zones Authority (DPFZA)
- Catherine COLLIN, Head of Office, Regional Office for Central & Eastern Africa, European Investment Bank, Kenya/Luxembourg
- Walid Mohamad ABDELWAHAB, Director, Infrastructure, Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia
- Khaled EL MEKWAD, Representative in charge of Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen, UNIDO
2. Power generation and Renewable:
Speakers to include:
- Abbas Aden ATTEYEH, Advisor of the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Djibouti
- Abdou Mohamed HOUMED, General Director, Agency for Geothermal Energy Development (ODDEG), Djibouti
- Djama Ali GUELLEH, Director General, Djibouti Electricity Authority
- Saida ABDILLAHI, Executive Director, Djiboutian Agency Energy Management
- David OTIENO, Project Manager, Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP), EU Energy Initiative, Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF), Germany
- Philip NIYONGABO, Head of Energy Division, African Union, Ethiopia
- Alex RUGAMBA, Director, Energy, Environment and ClimateChange (ONEC), African Development Bank, Tunisia
- Cheikh OUMAR SEYDI, Director, International Finance Corporation, Kenya/Washington D.C.
Last chance to register:
Ask for the detailed agenda and registration form to: pbobev@euroconventionglobal.com or call +421 905 107703.
OBG subscribers will benefit from 30% discount on all booking opportunities
We look forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you in Djibouti.