02 Sep 2015 - 03 Sep 2015
Real life examples and case law analysis will be used to communicate tax law interpretation, transfer pricing approaches and how to manage investigations.
Some of the key topics that the conference will cover includes:
- Updates in taxation regimes across major global hubs
- Singapore’s Global Trader Programme – how to get bang for your buck
- Minimising tax barriers to cross-border trade with DTA
- Negotiating your ideal concessionary tax rate under Global Trader Programme(GTP)
- Aligning domestic tax systems compliance with global operations
- Managing Income Tax from Cross-border Transactions and resolving treaty-related disputes
- Evolving Transfer Pricing Guideline: Singapore vs. regional countries
- Transfer pricing compliance requirement for commodity trading companies
- Keeping it at arm’s length: Best Practices
- Regulator checkpoints – knowing what triggers a tax / transfer pricing investigation
- Dealing with regulators conducting Tax investigations and Audit
- Case Law updates on recent Tax Rulings
Other key highlights of the event:
- Interpret the application of tax treaties in the context of international tax environment
- Hear expert insights and clarification on the evolving international transfer pricing guidelines
- Benchmark the adequacy of your tax optimization approaches with peers from the industry
- Learn strategies to strike an acceptable balance between tax optimisation and fair taxation
- Network with high level regulators plus tax practitioners from the corporate side of organisations
For more information, please visit the event website or contact the secretariat at +65 6508 2401, register@ibcasia.com.sg