28 Mar 2017 - 29 Mar 2017
Each starts with a different position, with different circumstances and budgetary pressures, different student bases and subject strengths. Some see their core priorities in the local areas and focus on teaching and learning. There is also a considerable focus on both regional and international opportunities with many institutions of higher learning attempting to enter new markets aimed at attracting numbers of students from overseas.
In 2016, the ASLI Malaysian Education Summit identified several key issues facing the higher education sector. A year later, new challenges have emerged with the new geopolitical gets underway with the rising of protectionism, Trump administration, the weakening of ringgit and the peaceful rise of China. It seems timely to revisit these issues and set out what the sector must tackle in the coming months and years.
The Malaysian higher education sector remains a fundamental socioeconomic sector, and the education business provides a major stream of income to the national GDP. To retain this and to be able to win the global race, it must attempt to transform and mould those challenges to its advantage.
It is in this context that this annual summit will gather policy makers and practitioners from government agencies, both public and private schools, colleges, universities, NGOs, think tanks, private sectors, and media to discuss how best to address key challenges resulting from the changing global and national environment, as well as to realise Malaysia’s ambition in becoming a knowledge-based economy.
To read more, kindly visit the event website here.