Third Party Event

26 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018

APEF 2018 is the gathering place for economists and financial experts from academia, government, and the private sector to present their research results, exchange ideas and network.
This year’s sessions will look at how protectionist policies are affecting the world economy. We welcome all papers on the topics of Economics and Finance to be presented at APEF 2018.
This is a good opportunity to meet old friends again and meet new ones for future research collaborations. We invite you to join us at APEF 2018 on the 26th and 27th July 2018 in the cosmopolitan city of Singapore.
What can you expect at APEF 2018?

  • Ample interaction opportunities for APEF delegates
  • Top Singapore hospitality for all attending delegates
  • An intellectually stimulating scientific program featuring more than 100 presentations by leading researchers, teachers, and practitioners
  • An opportunity for East-West science and practice collaborations at APEF