Third Party Event

28 Apr 2016 - 30 Apr 2016

The congress will highlight Indonesia as a world economic power, particularly following the improvement of the country’s economy.

The 55th ACI World Congress in Jakarta will feature the following speakers:

  • Agus Martowardojo – governor, Bank of Indonesia
  • Bambang Brodjonegoro  – minister of finance, Indonesia
  • Chairul Tanjung – president commissioner, Mega Bank
  • Rifki Ismal – assistant director, Bank Indonesia
  • Miranda Tam  – head of regional treasury and asset management, BIS
  • Paul Hopkinson  – global product manager, Bloomberg

The event offers a great opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors to introduce and reinforce their brands to the international community, as well as to the industry’s most influential decision makers.

More than 13,000 financial professionals, participating businesses, sponsors and exhibitors will have access to network with fellow professionals, learn about industry trends and issues, share practical knowledge and strategies and engage in trade exhibitions.

ACI is a leading non-profit, non-political association of wholesale financial market professionals. Its members engage with financial trading or sales in the global financial markets representing foreign exchange, interest rate products and other securities, banknotes, precious metals and commodities and derivatives.

ACI has been actively participating in Indonesia since 1980 with more than 65 members to date, including big names such as BCA, BNI, BRI, Mandiri and Permata Bank.