24 Aug 2016 - 25 Aug 2016
In this 21st century, Indonesia’s banking sector is on the fast track to enter a new era of banking – Bank 3.0. The dynamics of the global banking industry may be changing rapidly, but one aspect of the business will remain constant. In this new era, banks are required to elevate their standards to appeal to modern day customers’ discerning standards and expectations by developing innovative products. Incorporating technology into retail banking is key to banks’ survival.
The 8th Annual BankTech Asia: Jakarta Series will cover topics such as digital banking, improving service delivery by using innovative technologies, weighing on modern day customer trends, and also exploring opportunities in fast-paced technology advancements. This exclusive conference is carefully designed to realise Indonesia’s banking demands in integrating technology in retail banking.
Do not miss out on key experts from various layers of the banking sector. This conference will equip you and your bank with the tools and know-how to incorporating technology at your bank. Join us as at the 8th Annual BankTech Asia: Jakarta Series conference as we explore the latest trends and technology breakthroughs in retail banking.