Third Party Event

16 Dec 2016 - 18 Dec 2016

For the keynote lecture, world recognised scientists will participate such as Harsha Chandima Rathnaweera, Rajib Basu Mallick, Hisham Elkadi, Nagesh Kumar India, as well as local experts Sarath Kotagama and Ajith de Alwis.

Furthermore, our programme chairs in technical sessions are professionals in their fields of study. We have assigned nearly twenty topics including with topics such as green energy, green technology, green building and green advance computation and communication.

In addition to that, nearly 15 special sessions have been allocated to bring novel ideas and research outcomes to the world such as sustainable manufacturing, renewable energy, water management as well as development of lagoon, recycling and waste management. Also, general and plenary sessions will be accompanied by workshops and technical sessions.

This event will bring new scientific findings to light and allow for collaboration of research among attendees. Accepted papers will be published in a special volume of proceedings with an international standard book number (ISBN). These articles will been be published in an index journal.