Third Party Event

02 Mar 2017 - 03 Mar 2017

Highlights of the summit include:

  • Valuable insights from two different streams;
  • Live demo of the latest ICC Academy certification Programme ‘Export/Import Certificate’;
  • For the ICC Academy members, this event will be credited 12 PDCs towards the ICC Academy Certification and 13 PDUs towards CDCS and CSDG Recertification;
  • Pre-event SCF workshop;
  • Updates from the ICC Banking Commission;
  • Update on the project ‘Standard Definitions for Techniques of Supply Chain Finance’.

Who should attend?

Financial institutions; multilateral development banks and export credit agencies; governmental organisations; corporates; independent financiers; insurance brokers and underwriters; lawyers and consultants; FinTech companies; service providers.

Register and more information

For more information, please visit 

Register until January 25 to benefit from the 15% discount with promotional code ‘EarlyBird’