17 Mar 2013
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the 3rd Public Private Partnerships MENA Conference which will be held on 17 – 18 March, in Oman. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 3rd Public Private Partnershipsa MENA Conference, which will take place at the Al Bustan Palace in Muscat, Oman, from 17-18 March 2013.
Held under the official support of the International Project Finance Association, PPP MENA has asserted over the last three years its position as the largest regional PPP gathering for all relevant decision-makers from both the public and private sector.
A line-up of regional and international PPP experts will deliver hands-on knowledge about the financing, planning and implementation of Public Private Partnerships.
By attending the event you will:
- EXPERIENCE the realities of PPPs directly from the stakeholders involved in the projects’ planning, financing and implementation
- BENCHMARK against industry peers and acquire best practices by listening to case studies
- GAIN a practical understanding of the do’s and don’ts of PPPs in the region by listening to a wide array of sector and country case-studies
- LEARN about new funding mechanisms as well as Islamic Finance, two critical factors in the viability and success of PPPs in the MENA region.
To download the conference brochure, please click here.
To check the conference programme, please click here.
To check the list of confirmed speakers, please click here.
PPP MENA is your chance to meet decision-makers from high-profile public authorities and private companies, eager to start new PPP projects. Benefits include:
- Present your own upcoming projects in front of an audience of potential PPP project partners.
- Promote your company’s expertise in the planning, financing, and implementation of PPP/mega-projects
- Network with decision-makers and build valuable business partnerships
- Increase your foothold in the region, as well as your chances to win mega-project contracts
For more information about sponsorship enquiries, please contact Rizwan Khan at rizwan@bme-global.com or +44 203 328 9583
REGISTER TODAY. A 15% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT is available until 24 FEBRUARY and can be added to exclusive GROUP DISCOUNTS of up to 30%.
Online registration: www.pppmena.co/register
Telephone registration: +44 203 328 9581
Email registration: aurore@bme-global.com